Assessment details for all students – EDED11405
Assessment item 1—Group research and presentation
Weighting: 50%
Length: Equivalent to 1500 words
Assessment task description
Focusing on the notion of “Ensuring Student Success” in an educational context, students work together in small groups (or individually for flex study modes), to research a chosen topic and then present their findings as a group presentation to other students.
The preparation of the presentation must utilise one of the ‘Dimensions of Learning’ Dimension Four Complex Reasoning Processes as you conduct ORIGINAL research to explore your topic or question. The presentation should be informed by an academic exploration of the topic and utilise policy documents and research in the field. Topics of choice can be drawn from the list supplied, or can be negotiated with the lecturer/tutor.
- Each group should also engage in providing oral and written feedback for one other group.
- Dimension 4 Processes—one must be used
- The Dimension 4 Complex Reasoning Processes are listed below. You must use one of these to guide your research process - this should be reflected in the presentation itself
Decision making: Generating and applying criteria to select from among seemingly equal alternates
Problem solving: Overcoming constraints or limiting conditions that are in the way of pursuing goals
Invention: Developing unique products or processes that fulfil perceived needs
Experimental inquiry: Generating and testing explanations of observed phenomena
Investigation: Identifying and resolving issues about which there are confusions or contradictions
Systems analysis: Analysing the parts of a system and the manner in which they interact.
Documentation should include:
- Presentation documentation presented in the form of a powerpoint presentation, brochure etc
- a completed graphic organiser and model used for a Dimension 4 process which details the learning journey of the group as they researched the topic
- a reference list of academic readings, websites, policy documents etc
- group feedback for one other group.
Some possible topics
(these need to be rewritten and reframed to fit using whichever Dimension 4 process you use):
- The role of assessment in contributing to lifelong learning and success post schooling
- Authentic assessment as a means of ensuring success
- Literacy assessment—how does it contribute to student success?
- Systemic testing— how can it contribute to ensuring student success?
- How to ensure success for a specific groups of students—Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
- students, non-English speaking background, students with specific learning disabilities, e.g., ASD
- Gifted and talented students—who are they and are they always successful?
- How does gender impact on the notions of success?
- School/home connections in ensuring success
- Strategies for working with ‘at risk’ students
- Do school experiences provide students with opportunities to be creative and why is creativity important to building student experiences of success?
- Digital portfolios—what are they and how can they be used to support assessment and reporting processes?
- How can we map a student’s progress? Profiles and portfolios and their place in the learning cycle
- Peer and self-assessment—how can they contribute to success?
- What is moderation and why is it important?
- What is the value of the year 2 net and how does this link to learning?